

IPE Guiding Coalition Edson

Our Teaming at a Distance series continues, with the Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation's Interprofessional Guiding Coalition sharing their insights and reflective questions on what they're learning about teamwork and IPE during the COVID-19 crisis.


April 21, 2020

CAIPER's Strategies for Successful Remote Teaming

News & Events

On April 9th, 2020 CAIPER presented From Our Team to Yours: Strategies for Successful Remote Teaming, as part of the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education’s series, Connecting at the Nexus: COVID-19 Edition.

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April 20, 2020

Interprofessional virtual teaming CAIPER

Our new Teaming at a Distance series continues as Karen J. Saewert takes a look at what makes interprofessional education and practice meaningful.

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March 30, 2020

CAIPER Team on Zoom - Virtual Teamness

As we look around from our remote working sites, we are so grateful to everyone in the healthcare community- providers, administrators, faculty, staff, students- for showing us how to mobilize with strength and integrity. It's a rough time. We have been thinking about how we- as members of an interprofessional center- could help. One small thing we felt we could contribute is communication about practical ways we've learned from our own work and from education and practice members of the Arizona Nexus, and our national interprofessional colleagues and networks to work as virtual teams and to teach teamwork and collaboration at a distance.

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March 23, 2020

Arizona Nexus interprofessional conference 2019

News & Events

In April 2018, Arizona is getting its first ever conference dedicated to interprofessional healthcare practice and education. Hosted by the Arizona Nexus, the two-day conference on April 20-21, brings to together practitioners, administrators, educators, researchers and students with the shared goal of creating a healthier Arizona through collaboration and teamwork.

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March 20, 2018

Moral Distress and Injury_team conversations

The latest issue of the Team Care Connections digital magazine, Conversations About Moral Distress and Moral Injury, offers examples of how moral distress and moral injury may show up and what team members can do to prevent them and lessen their impact.

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February 12, 2020

Interprofessional highlights from NACHC-CHI Nexus Summit 2019

News & Events

CAIPER and partners from Edson College of Nursing and AT Still University traveled to Minneapolis, Minnesota to attend the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education Nexus Summit 2019, and then immediately off to Chicago for the National Association of Community Health Centers Community Health Institute and EXPO (2019 NACHC-CHI). 

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September 12, 2019

CAIPER, Edson College and AZ Nexus at Nexus Summit 2019

News & Events

CAIPER, the Arizona Nexus, and Edson College partners to be front and center at the Nation’s foremost interprofessional meeting – The 2019 Nexus Summit.

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August 2, 2019

preceptor guide to nexus

This is the story of the Preceptor's Guide, which supports the important role of practitioners across health professions who serve as preceptors for health professions students and teams. It honors their role in advancing learner competencies within clinical learning environments. The goal was to develop pilot interprofessional practice sites where health professions students from different disciplines and universities could learn to work together as members of high-quality collaborative teams.

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July 18, 2019

Get started with IPE with CAIPER

Today, academic and clinical faculty are challenged to develop IPE that meets growing accreditation requirements as well as health system needs for students who are “collaboration ready.” Now more than ever, students need to exit health professions programs with the values and skills related to roles, communication and teamwork enumerated in the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) competencies. 

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April 29, 2019

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